----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Wright" <wrightj...@verizon.net>
To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Information on Ballots

> Perhaps I am not the only one this happend too, but......   The long lag 
> in receipt and return deadline caused mine to get covered up and 
> forgotten until too late.  If the deadline were shorter, I would have 
> voted and put it back in the return mail the next day.
> Jim WA4IVM
> Amsat 31517
> ps:  Yes! I am happy as things are going!
Hi Jim, WA4IVM

You are AMSAT member numbar 31517.........OK ?
The ballots sent by Martha to all AMSAT members in USA and outside
USA was 3176..........OK ?
My question is: Why 31517 and more ballots where not sent to all 
USA and ouside USA members ? 

I guess that 31517 - 3176 = 28341 are AMSAT members paying
anymore their AMSAT membership and this is a very big numbar 
meaning that AMSAT is loosing credibility all around the world !

Considering the 3176 ballots sent by Martha only 700 ballots 
were sent back voting.......OK ?

I am AMSAT member numbar 798 but I will start again to pay my
annual membership and for all negative back years as soon AMSAT
will start again to work around a HEO satellite as promised to all
of as on paper.........PHASE III.....a satellite for all ! 

If you are happy as things are going I am not because when AO40
died I losted a lot of money invested in equipments and antennas for
nothing ! 

73" de
i8CVS Domenico

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