That's correct, but then again SpaceX isn't in business to give away launches. 
It's a false premise.

However, the Fox project is building multiple flight units, because 
occasionally 1U cubesat slots do open on short notice, and an off-the-shelf 
spacecraft has a chance to fly. This isn't without cost however. As an example, 
the solar cells for Fox cost about $500 each, with 12 per spacecraft. Spare 
flight units also need to be tested and properly stored and maintained. But, 
with the cubesat form factor flying so often, it's a good risk. Other form 
factor spacecraft would require significant vehicle dependent engineering to 
launch in anything other than a PPOD or variant.

73, Drew KO4MA

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On Sep 24, 2012, at 8:05 PM, R Oler <> wrote:

> If AMSAT were given a "near free" launch by SpaceX or any of the other new 
> rocket folks there is nothing to put on the bird.  
> The Dragon launching to the space station Oct 7th is only carring 1000 pounds 
> there is a lot of excess lift capability...nothing to put on it
> Robert WB5MZO
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