I think it would be possible to contact IN80er (Madrid), now I'm at work and
I can not calculate.
I'm usually active in the passes of the A0-7 A & B, between 18 and 20 UTC.
My email ec4tr.luis @
73's Luis

2013/1/18 Clayton Coleman <>

> I am seeking a station located in Ireland, UK, Portugal, or the far
> west coast of Spain (Ferrol, Muros, or Vigo) for an attempted contact
> on AO-7 mode B.
> With my current station I am confident to establish contact in the
> range of 7600-7700km.
> This contact may require multiple attempts. I am patient and desire
> the opportunity to make contact with you.  CW or voice.
> My location is in the eastern region of Texas, USA.
> Thank you & 73,
> Clayton
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