This makes sense Eric as I tried to replace the PRIOR.SQF file in CfgIV(the
one I had selected when the failure happened) with the PRIOR.SQF from Cfg1.
This didn't fix the error. I at that point ran DATABACKUP which of course
over wrote any and all of the files in question. If this happens again, I
will send you the 2 files. Thanks everyone for your help....

73 Jeff kb2m

-----Original Message-----
From: Erich Eichmann [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:09 AM
To:; Jeff Griffin
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: error loading SatPC32

Hello Alan, Jeff and others
with V. 12.8b DATABACKUP contained in the PROGRAMS list upon installation.
The message "Error loading PRIOR.SQF" indicates a missing or damaged file
PRIOR.SQF but more probably a missing or damaged file "SatStart.SQF" which
stores a lot of settings when the program is configured.  Unfortunately I
didn't change the text of the error message  between  loading these 2 files.

The files
are stored in the  DATA folder "SatPC32"  for configuration 1 and in the
subfolders CfgII .. CfgIV for the 3 other configurations.

I don't know the reason yet that causes the error, however. Perhpas it would
be good to send me the files 2 files if the error occurs. As Alan mentioned
already: The easiest solution is to store a working configuration with
DATABACKUP and to restore it with this tool if necessary.

BTW:  The path to the DATA folder "SatPC322 is displayed in the footline of
menu "Satellites". The folder "Application data" or "Apps  data" is hidden
by default. So, it is necessary to make hidden files visible  (Windows
Explorer - Tools - Folder Options - View).

73s, Erich, DK1TB

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan" <>
To: "'Jeff KB2M'" <>; "'amsat'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 12:21 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: error loading SatPC32

> Jeff,
> Sorry the easy fix did not work. I had no problem with the default
> PRIOR.SQF, even though I had made different priorities.  Hmmm.
> I have the DATABACKUP in my PROGRAMS list.  I can't remember whether it
> comes that way, or I added it to the PROGRAM.SQF file.
> Glad it is working again!
> 73s,
> Alan

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