Sometimes the offset in the transponder changes slightly. This is especially 
true with VO-52 and AO-7. On these sats, I use the RIT to touch up and make 
sure I can hear my self plainly at the beginning of a pass. This is a little 
easier than the offset feature in the software.

I hope that makes sense.

73, Drew KO4MA

-----Original Message-----
>From: Les Rayburn <>
>Sent: Apr 23, 2013 3:40 PM
>Subject: [amsat-bb] SATPC32 and IC-910H
>I'm very new to satellite operation but have been having a blast for the 
>past couple of weeks. Using an IC-910H with attic antennas that include 
>a 7 element 432 Arrow
>antenna with an SSB Electronics pre-amp mounted at the antenna. 1/2" 
>hardline makes the 70' run from the attic to the shack in the garage. 2 
>Meters shows a 6 element K1FO Yagi with an SSB Electronics pre-amp and 
>1/2" hardline.
>Rig is controlled by SATPC32 via the CI-V interface at 9600 baud.
>On SO-50, I have no problems with doppler correction as you would 
>suspect. With the other birds, doppler is sometimes an issue. Sometimes 
>I hear stations strongly but when I call them, I don't hear my own 
>uplink and the other station obviously doesn't hear me either.
>On other passes, the difference is not so great, and I'll hear my own 
>uplink, though usually slightly off frequency.
>I know its possible to adjust the uplink frequency in the software, and 
>I've tried it during passes without much success. The translated help 
>file from German isn't much
>assistance to me so far.
>Can someone on the list point me towards a better explanation on the 
>web, or offer suggestions on how to correct the situation? Any help is 
>Les Rayburn, N1LF
>121 Mayfair Park
>Maylene, AL 35114
>6M VUCC #1712
>AMSAT #38965
>Grid Bandits #222
>Southeastern VHF Society
>Central States VHF Society Life Member
>Six Club #2484
>Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light
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