Dutch Amateur Radio Satellite User Day – September 28th 2013 

On Saturday September 28th, the very first Amateur Radio Satellite User Day
will be organized. 

The event will  take place at restaurant ”Binnenhof”, in the small town of
Paasloo, in the North of the Netherlands, a 90 minute drive by car from

Join us!
We invite everyone to come over and join us! For both newbies as well as
experienced satellite operators it will be an exciting day with interesting
presentations as well as exciting activities!

Two Dutch satellite builders will talk about their latest satellites, that
both will be launched in November: FUNCube-1 (Wouter Weggelaar – PA3WEG) and
Delfi-n3Xt (Jasper Bouwmeester). Both projects will take along with them
engineering models: a great opportunity to see yourself how small and
advanced Cubesats look like!

Furthermore we have many hands-on sessions planned: take your own radio and
antenna to Paasloo, we can help you get started or you can compare yours to
that of the others!

Of course this is a fantastic opportunity to ‘meet and great’ each other in
person. The OSCAR lunch has a lot of time reserved for that as well. The
entire day is free of charge, including coffee and lunch. From those that
want to stay for the Barbecue at the end of the day we ask a contribution of
17,50 euro.

For those that cannot come over to the Netherlands: meet us during one of
the hands-on sessions (see the program details below).

10:00   Arrival
Coffee and tea, registration

10:30 - 10:45   Hands-on session VO-52
Listen to, and maybe even make a QSO via, the strongest linear transponder
currently in space. We do have a low elevation pass, need to check
2m/70cm SSB transponder, maximum elevation 11 degrees

10:45 - 11:00   Welcome
Opening of both the “VHF-day” and the “Amateur Radio Satellite User Day”

10:43 – 11:02   Hands-on session HO-68
Listening to the CW downlink signals of this Chinese satellite. Its linear
transponder is no longer functional, but its beacon is great fun to
experiment with for reception of amateur radio satellites. Examples include
testing and comparing different types of antennas.
70 cm CW beacon. Maximum elevation: 49 degrees

11:04 – 11:24   Hands-on session FO-29
Listening to, and maybe make a QSO via, the linear transponder of this
satellite. A very distant satellite for portable equipment, but with a
little bit of effort and luck we should be able to hear our own signals back
on downlink.
2m/70cm SSB transponder. Maximum elevation: 73 degrees.

11:30 - 11:35   Welcome Amateur Radio Satellite User Day
Opening of the very first Amateur Radio Satellite User Day in The

11:35 - 12:15   FUNcube-1 – A new satellite revealed (Wouter Weggelaar –
A presentation by one of the builders, about the technology used in
FUNcube-1, a project of a series of organizations, including AMSAT-UK. Due
to the delayed launch (now planned for November) FUNcube-1 is not yet in
space during the event, but very likely Wouter will bring along the
functional engineering-model of FUNCube-1. A presentation you don’t want to

12:15 - 13:00   Amateur Radio Satellites step-by-step, for newbies and
experienced operators! (Ivo Klinkert - PA1IVO and Henk Hamoen - PA3GUO)

An introduction into orbits of LEO/HEO-satellites and how to predict their
passes. We will also talk about which kind of equipment is needed to
transmit via amateur radio satellites. So, a talk on TLE, AOS, LOS, TCA,
Kepler and Doppler, RHCP, LHCP, PCs, Antennes, TRX, SDR and Cubesat CW
beacons. While this session addresses the basics of satellite
communications, we invite the more experienced operators to share their
experiences during the presentation as well. For example which software they
use, which satellites are favorite, which antennas and rotators are being
used… and: which transceivers are most popular.

13:00 – 13:45   Hands-on session FUNCube-1 Engineering model 
Most likely it will be possible to make in Paasloo QSO’s via the transponder
of the engineering-model of FUNCube-1. A fun exercise or simply a lot of fun
with a satellite of which we really control when it is within reach! 2m/70cm
SSB transponder.

13:00 – 14:00   OSCAR-lunch
Extended buffet lunch buffet, where the objective is to meet and great your
fellow radio amateurs that share the same interest amateur radio satellites.
At the same time a demonstration of the famous FUNcube Dongle and equipment
like Arrow antennas, LVB-tracker, etc.

13:45 – 14:15   Hands-on session LO-19
Receiving the downlink signals of the satellite. Even though this satellite
has gone through some rough situations up there in space, we can still hear
a very strong (continues) carrier in the 70cm band. A great opportunity to
observe the Doppler-effect and to experience how large this effect is at
different stages of a pass. Or: compare again the performance of the
different antennas that will be brought by visitors. 
70 cm constant carrier. Maximum elevation: 59 degrees

14:15 - 15:00   Delfi-n3Xt (Jasper Bouwmeester - Program Manager TU/d)
An update on the status of the next Dutch satellite of the University of
Delft (TU/d), which will be launched in November. Also here a lot of
interesting hardware will be shown, including the engineering model of the
S-band transmitter, the positioning system and the VHF/UHF antennas.

15:00 - 15:15   Radio Amateurs and scientific satellites (Henk Hamoen –
How radio amateurs can contribute to scientific research in satellite
projects. No QSOs therefore, but rather support of science in space.

15:15 - 15:35   A portable, multi-functional satellite station (Ivo Klinkert
A presentation on a portable satellite station for radio communications
using low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, multi-mode, including S-band

15:35 - 15:45   How to apply for an ARISS school contact (Bertus Hüsken –
How to apply for a school contact with the International Space Station (ISS)
via ARISS.

15:45 - 16:00   AMSAT-NL (Wouter Weggelaar – PA3WEG, Chairman AMSAT-NL)
How and why AMSAT-NL was founded.       

16:00 - 16:15   Future of the “Amateur Radio Satellite User Day” (Ivo -
PA1IVO en Henk - PA3GUO)
Evaluation and gathering of ideas for the event next year. 

16:15   Closure
BBQ for those that upfront signed up.   

18:23 - 18:35   Hands-on session VO-52
For those that can get enough of it!
2m/70cm SSB transponder. Maximum elevation: 30 degrees.

Much more information (for example regarding registration) is available on
this website:

See you all in Paasloo!
Ivo Klinkert - PA1IVO and Henk Hamoen - PA3GUO

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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