
Life is full of ironies, but sticking with the FCC and ARRL standards prevents 
complications and
conflicts.  We have enough of those.  :)  Unlike other non-states which are 
recognized, it is
geographically contiguous.

Having grown up nearby in Maryland, with relatives who were born 
Washingtonians, I have heard many
heated debates.  Some over Thanksgiving dinner.  The District has always had an 
odd status, neither
fish now fowl, or sometimes a little of both.  If the discussion quieted down, 
I would suggest that
all the problems could be solved by retro-ceding the District to Maryland.  
Then I ducked under the




<<>>-----Original Message-----
<<>>[] On Behalf Of Paul Stoetzer
<<>>Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 12:04 PM
<<>>Cc: amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org
<<>>Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: DC and AMSAT Awards
<<>>The Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, etc. all count as 
<<>>separate entities
<<>>for these awards as DXCC entities.
<<>>I find it ironic that an organization that is incorporated 
<<>>in the District
<<>>of Columbia and had it's first headquarters in the District 
<<>>of Columbia
<<>>would not recognize that the District of Columbia is a separate and
<<>>distinct entity that is not part of the State of Maryland.
<<>>Paul, N8HM
<<>>On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Bruce <> wrote:
<<>>> I took over processing the awards for AMSAT over 10 years 
<<>>ago and have
<<>>> processed it the same way the previous awards managers had done.
<<>>> You are absolutely correct that DC does not count for 
<<>>this award because
<<>>> in creating our award, we used the ARRL worked all states 
<<>>award, the RAC
<<>>> worked all provinces award and the DXCC list to create 
<<>>our award. There is
<<>>> nothing in any of those awards that include District of 
<<>>Columbia and our
<<>>> award does not either.
<<>>> Also, we do not include US Territories such as US Virgin 
<<>>Islands, Puerto
<<>>> Rico, and Guam and a couple other islands in our awards.
<<>>> 73...bruce
<<>>> On 9/24/2013 11:24 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
<<>>>> Bruce,
<<>>>> That an illogical argument. Only three states have their 
<<>>own prefixes:
<<>>>> Alaska, Hawaii, and California.
<<>>>> It also ignores the fact that the District of Columbia 
<<>>is not part of
<<>>>> Maryland. Incidentally, DC is the only top-level 
<<>>subdivision of the United
<<>>>> States or Canada that does not count as a separate 
<<>>entity for this award.
<<>>>> 73,
<<>>>> Paul, N8HM
<<>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Bruce <> wrote:
<<>>>>  If the FCC and ARRL would recognize the District of 
<<>>Columbia with its own
<<>>>>> prefix as the RAC has done with their provencies and 
<<>>territories then we
<<>>>>> should. However, until they do, it is included as a 
<<>>contact for Maryland.
<<>>>>> Here is the list from RAC that they use for their contests.
<<>>>>> Nova Scotia [NS] (VE1, VA1, CY9, CYØ);
<<>>>>> Quebec [QC] (VE2, VA2);
<<>>>>> Ontario [ON] (VE3, VA3);
<<>>>>> Manitoba [MB] (VE4, VA4);
<<>>>>> Saskatchewan [SK] (VE5, VA5);
<<>>>>> Alberta [AB] (VE6, VA6);
<<>>>>> British Columbia [BC] (VE7, VA7);
<<>>>>> Northwest Territories [NT] (VE8);
<<>>>>> New Brunswick [NB] (VE9);
<<>>>>> Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] (VO1, VO2);
<<>>>>> Nunavut [NU] (VYØ);
<<>>>>> Yukon [YT] (VY1);
<<>>>>> Prince Edward Island [PE] (VY2).
<<>>>>> AMSAT chose to use the same list in their award since 
<<>>AMSAT-NA includes
<<>>>>> Canada.
<<>>>>> Hope this helps.
<<>>>>> 73...bruce
<<>>>>> On 9/24/2013 9:13 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
<<>>>>>  Good morning,
<<>>>>>> I was curious about the rules for the the OSCAR 
<<>>Satellite Communications
<<>>>>>> Achievement Award, the OSCAR Sexagesimal Award, and 
<<>>the OSCAR Century
<<>>>>>> Award.
<<>>>>>> The rules from KK5DO's website state that "A contact 
<<>>is defined as one
<<>>>>>> with
<<>>>>>> a station in another state, DXCC country or Canadian 
<<>>Provience. Once you
<<>>>>>> have a contact with a station in that area, you must 
<<>>hunt for another."
<<>>>>>> Furthermore, the rules also state that "For those that 
<<>>have the RAC
<<>>>>>> CANDADAWARD or ARRL WAS with satellite endorsements, 
<<>>you may submit a
<<>>>>>> copy
<<>>>>>> of your certificate as proof of working the 13 
<<>>Canadian Proviences or 50
<<>>>>>> U.S. States."
<<>>>>>> Since Canada only has ten provinces, that implies that 
<<>>the three
<<>>>>>> territories also count under the definition of 
<<>>"province."  Similarly, I
<<>>>>>> would argue that the definition of  "state" should 
<<>>also include the
<<>>>>>> District of Columbia as a separate entity since the 
<<>>precedent from
<<>>>>>> counting
<<>>>>>> the Canadian territories as "provinces" is clear.
<<>>>>>> Does the District of Columbia count as a separate 
<<>>entity for the
<<>>>>>> purposes
<<>>>>>> of these awards?
<<>>>>>> 73,
<<>>>>>> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
<<>>>>>> Washington, DC
<<>>>>>> AMSAT-NA #38,913
<<>>>>>> ______________________________****_________________
<<>>>>>> Sent via Opinions expressed are 
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<<>>>>>>  --
<<>>>>> Bruce Paige, KK5DO
<<>>>>>                       AMSAT Director Contests and Awards
<<>>>>>    ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE
<<>>>>>            Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0100z on Echolink - 
<<>>Conference *AMSAT*
<<>>>>> Also live streaming MP3 at
<<>>>>> Podcast at 
<<>>>>> iTunes
<<>>>>>                Latest satellite news on the ARRL Audio News
<<>>>>> AMSAT on Twitter
<<>>>>>  ______________________________**_________________
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<<>>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur 
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<<>>> --
<<>>> Bruce Paige, KK5DO
<<>>>                      AMSAT Director Contests and Awards
<<>>>   ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE
<<>>>           Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0100z on Echolink - 
<<>>Conference *AMSAT*
<<>>> Also live streaming MP3 at
<<>>> Podcast at 
m/podcast.xml>or iTunes
<<>>>               Latest satellite news on the ARRL Audio News
<<>>> AMSAT on Twitter
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