On 10/8/2013 5:38 PM, M5AKA wrote:
Beam headings are at


For the truly geeky, edit the text below for your location, and send to JPL. Ephemeris should
be in your inbox in a minute or two.

-Joe KM1P

!$$SOF (ssd)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

!         JPL/Horizons Execution Control Example
!       For Radio Amateurs in the Say HI to Juuo experiment

! Edit SITE_COORD below for your location. Values are
! east longitude (negative for west longitude), latitude
! (negative south of the equator), and height above sea
! level in km. Given the range of Juno and the wide beam-
! widths of our antennas, a height of 0 should suffice.
! The values below are for Boston, Massachusetts USA.
! E-mail to horiz...@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov with subject "JOB"

! NOTE:   First line in this file must start !$$SOF
!         Last line in this file must start !$$EOF
!         Assigned values should be in quotes

 SITE_COORD  = '-71.1,42.3,0'
 COMMAND     = '-61'
 CENTER     = 'coord'
 START_TIME  = '2013-OCT-09 00:00'
 STOP_TIME   = '2013-OCT-10 00:00'
 STEP_SIZE   = '5 min'
 QUANTITIES  = '4,20'

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