When I started, I had a hand me down beat up yaesu ft-221R 2m all mode with an 
old cb mic with a mag mount antenna and a realistic 10m all mode radio that 
didn’t transmit and a dipole but almost everyday I was either listening to or 
working someone on RS-10…. ahhhh the life…. it was so good with those russian 
leo sats, all you needed was a tickle of a signal to work some folks, now today 
with a TS-2000LE with 23cm, all I see is that fm sats are always clobbered by 
over-powered users and transponder HOGS, no room to even try to make a contact, 
what with everyone in my area trying to over-power each other to have control 
of what little transponder room there is. What a person wouldn’t give for an 
“A” mode bird or 2 again….  sure do miss those RS birds, they were so much fun…

On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:51, Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL <vlfis...@mcn.net> wrote:

> At 06:48 PM 11/5/2013 -0800, "R.T.Liddy" <k...@ameritech.net> wrote:
>> I've tried AO7-A a number of times, but there's never anyone there to work.
>> Back in the glory days of the RS Birds, Mode A was very active. I sure do
>> miss them. They worked very well!
>> 73,    Bob K8BL
> I loved the RS satellites. They're what got me hooked.  I wish
> the plan for the next LEO was a new linear mode Mode A bird for
> a starter satellite not another FM 'Grid-Lock' sat.
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