Hi Nick.
Yes, can hear what I believe is CAPE-2 in London.  But still don't know the 
sequence of transmission.
14.11   Carrier on 145.824 - did not hear the modulation (below the city 
rooftops) pos interference.
14.12   Good CW signal - S5 very easy copy.  Frequency low and pulled by CW 
14.14   Single 1200 packet burst.
14.16   More CW from below roofline.  In CW mode on IC706 this was best 
received on 145.920
Could be that you are a couple of KHz low of 825.

Keps used are:

1 39380U 13064A   13334.93341659  .00001167  00000-0  59607-4 0   257
2 39380 040.5145 186.8069 0003506 014.0453 346.0304 15.21277316  1661


David  G0MRF


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