Adding AO-73 in SatPC32 is very simple if you use AMSAT's keps file called nasa.all. This file contains the AO-73 Keps together with the Keps for all the other active ham satellites. The satellite names are already in the familiar format.

You can assign AO-73 to one of the 12 quick-access "letters" on the lower right corner of the main SatPC32 screen. If you have an unassigned letter, open the "Satellites" menu and simply double-click AO-73 in the "Available" list, and AO-73 will be assigned to the next unused letter in the "Selected" list.

Paste the following text into the Doppler.SQF text file. Open the file directly from the SatPC32 program using the menu "?" -> Auxiliary Files -> Doppler.SQF.
AO-73,145960.0,435140.0,USB,LSB,REV,,, Transponder

Then you're all set to go. With Doppler.SQF text as specified above, the program will default to the beacon. To switch to the transponder you need to click the CAT menu and select the transponder data line. If you reverse the two AO-73 lines in Doppler.SQF the program will default to the transponder instead of the beacon.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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