His program requires .Net 4 so you will have to install it if you do not have 
it installed already. Not sure ? Try running the program - if it runs you have 
it - if you do not have it you will see a message box telling you that you do 
not have it. Unlike most ham radio programs this program uses most all of the 
new bells and whistles of .Net 4 and WPF. Unfortunately this means that it may 
not run on a few computers even thought most all the other ham programs run 
just fine.


The program runs well on Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP. How well the 
program runs depends on a couple of things:  Your computer speed - if you have 
an old computer that does not run very well this program will probably not run 
well.  Your internet connection - if you have a poor internet connection the 
Tracking Map scroll will not be very smooth.

If the vertical screen resolution on your computer is less that 768 pixels you 
will have some problems. Many netbooks have only 600 pixels of vertical screen 
resolution so they may not be entirely satisfactory. I have run the program on 
a old netbook running XP that has a 768 pixel vertical resolution emulation 
mode for its 600 pixel screen and it works great.

-from Tom's FAQ
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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