Info about W1AW portable operations.  See the link at the bottom to get
authorization to operate as W1AW.

The Minnesota state coordinators for W1AW/0 had divided by HF and
VHF-and-above.  I contacted them and suggested that they add a third
category of SAT, which they did.  Like most hams satellites weren't on
their radar screen.

I believe it is up to us, the satellite operators, to make our presence and
desire known if we want to use the W1AW call during our state's week.

Unfortunately, my VFO on one of my two rigs went kaput on the second night
of operation and I only made about 35 QSOs.   I am planning to be on the
birds again in June as W1AW/0 (from Mn):

   - MINNESOTA   UTC – Tuesday June 11, 0000 UTC – June 17, 2359 UTC

As the W1AW operator you will not have to do any QSLing.   All you have to
do is log the calls you work and when done submit the log file in ADIF
format along with your call, county and grid square to your state
coordinator.  The coordinator will submit them to the ARRL for upload to
LOTW and for paper QSLing.

Here is a link to the schedule for what states will be on for each week of
the year:
This link also has the name of the person or club you should contact to get
authorization to use the W1AW call during your state's week.

Rolf   NR0T
Grid EN34
Amsat #39995

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Paul Stoetzer <> wrote:

> So far we've only had New York, Minnesota, and Hawaii active. W100AW
> has been on a few passes and W100AW/4 was on for the Orlando Hamcation
> a couple of weekends ago.
> I know we have a few states scheduled for operations later this year,
> and I'll be doing my part as W1AW/3 from the District of Columbia in
> early July, but I have been disappointed in the lack of participation
> by the satellite community so far.
> Let's get the W1AW portable operations active on the birds! Contact
> your state hosts and get on the air.
> The Michigan coordinator (Randy, AA8R) tells me that they don't have
> anybody for this week. Operations from Michigan start in two hours
> (2/19/14 at 0000Z). If you're in Michigan, contact him at
> and get on the air!
> The Centennial QSO Party is supposed to be a celebration of all facets
> of amateur radio, lets get more of the operations on the satellites
> too.
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Paul Stoetzer <>
> Date: Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 4:41 PM
> Subject: ARRL Centennial QSO Party - Satellite Operations
> To: "" <>
> Does anyone have plans to be active on the satellites as W1AW/X? First
> up is W1AW/4 in North Carolina and W1AW/8 in West Virginia for the
> week of January 1st.
> Contact your state/territory/district's hosts and get W1AW portable
> operations on the birds for this year long event!
> I'll be activating W1AW/3 in the District of Columbia on the birds
> during the week of July 2nd and I'll be posting detailed operating
> plans as that week approaches.
> 73,
> Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
> Washington, DC
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