
I just went through and uploaded the videos I made from last weekend's
Dayton Hamvention.  First, Paul N8HM working SO-50 on Friday (16 May)
morning at 1431 UTC:


Michael KD8QBA, part of the MO-76 ($50Sat, Eagle-2) team, was around
the AMSAT demonstration station during several passes from his group's
satellite.  This video was one of those passes, Friday afternoon at 1638


Back to Paul N8HM on the microphone, working AO-7 Friday afternoon 
at 2013 UTC:


Yes, it was raining hard Friday afternoon, which wiped out the audience 
watching this pass.  This was a difficult pass to work, but Paul (and the 
rest of us braving the rain) stuck it out.  

My final video has Paul N8HM working AO-73 on Sunday (18 May 2014)
afternoon at 1602 UTC:


The weather was much better on Sunday than earlier in the weekend.  

I know there are other videos on YouTube from the AMSAT station, including
one where I'm working SO-50 during the 1345 UTC pass Sunday morning 
(thanks N8HM):


I have just uploaded my QSOs from this pass, and the other passes I worked
on Sunday and Monday (19 May) at the Hamvention and other locations, to the
Logbook of the World.  The QSOs I made on Thursday (15 May) through 
Saturday have already been uploaded to LOTW. 

Paul N8HM uploaded a video of his Kenwood TH-D7 HT, showing the APRS
traffic on 144.390 MHz on the Thursday (15 May) night in the Dayton area 
before the start of the Hamvention:


This video is a perfect example of how the 144.390 MHz frequency was, 
during the entire weekend.  Day or night, signals were being transmitted on 
that frequency non-stop.  

Edward Raybould N8OIF posted a couple of videos as well.  First, a video 
where Keith W5IU is at the radio during an HO-68 pass to demonstrate the 
Doppler effect:


Keith W5IU is working AO-73 on Saturday (17 May 2014):


There may be others up there now, and more coming soon - including (I 
hope) videos from the AMSAT Forum on Saturday.  :-) 



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