

Good question with a bazillion answers.  It all depends on what the venue
will be.  Small groups, large groups, are they looking for introductory
material or something in depth, will the timing be during a pass, what do
you want to accomplish.lots of things impact what will be presented.


I'd suggest you look into presenting something that matches a requirement to
satisfy an award the scouts can walk away with.  Perhaps a requirement for a
Bear Arrow Point Award.  I saw major categories for:







Each category has some requirements that could be addressed during your
presentation.  In my mind, setting up to take a NOAA satellite pass might
fit into a number of these categories (of course it all depends on when the
scouts will be in the area). This would give you connections to all the
categories listed above.   You might have the scouts make a model of a
CubeSat and then witness a FunCube pass so they can see the data (graphs)
that are the outcome of the telemetry (interpreting the graphs would be
pretty heady stuff of a scout camp venue).


In any event, you're going to have your hands full between the venue, age,
time limitation and the bell schedule of the event.  If all the stars align
and there is an appropriate pass, all it will take is for the previous
presentation to run over, and all your careful planning is out the window.
So a backup plan is in order.  BE PREPARED I guess is the word of the day. 


Hope you have a busy time.





The K4AMG Club has been approached by a CUB SCOUT summer camp coordinator. 

The camp will be held in Norfolk, VA at an Elk's Lodge on Friday June 27th.


Age range of kids are 6 -10 years old.


Looking for suggestions of what to do.  They are willing to give us 1 - 2 



Example:  Toss the satellite where kids stand in a circle and spin a 4" 

square box around to show orbit and spin.


So now it is time for your ideas.


Would like to have your responses in the next 5 days ... what should these 

kids now ... what can they learn!


Rich W4BUE 



Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Consultant

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)


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