The beacon while-unattended into a very valuable limited channel such as
the ISS and PCSAT digipeaters are disappointing to me.  The purpose of the
APRS digipeaters in space are for humans to contact humans, or for the rare
-out-in-the-atlantic or Pacific lone traveler or experiment.

The unattended beacons are intereference to that mission and are not

Bob, WB4aPR

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Clayton Coleman <>wrote:

> These days I'm finding less and less stations on APRS via the ISS.
> This is a major reason as to why packets digipeated by the ISS aren't
> making it into the terrestrial APRS Internet Service.  If there are
> only one or two stations within your mutual footprint and they can't
> hear very well, chances are your position digipeated by the ISS won't
> be heard by them.  Therein lies your problem and why your packets
> aren't making it to the Internet.  It is no fault of the APRS-IS or
> the ISS digipeater.
> I was on a pass this morning, 63 degree elevation, that covered most
> of the western half of the United States.  Of that entire pass I only
> copied 5 stations, all of which were automated with no live
> individuals at the keyboard.  I was getting a 100% solid copy of the
> ISS.
> I've never quiet understood the fascination with transmitting a packet
> and showing up on the Internet.  Nowadays there's an app for that.
> The APRS-IS, ISS digipeater, and our terrestrial APRS networks are
> great resources.  Unfortunately operating trends come and go and I
> think we are in a down cycle with less people active on the ISS
> digipeater over North America.
> 73
> Clayton
> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Mike Sprenger <>
> wrote:
> > Used to be able to show up on the web page when I digi my
> > position via the ISS, now I can't figure out what I've done to cause it
> to
> > not work any longer....(and I can successfully appear by using the new-n
> > paradigm on terrestrial APRS on 144.39)
> >
> > It's not an RF path problem, I can Digi via the ISS no problem on
> 145.825,
> > hearing my return packets from the ISS.  I've digi'ed dozens via the ISS,
> > yet, I can no longer gateway to the ARISS web page.
> >
> > Referring to this page:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ISS145.825145.825ARISS | APRSAT | WIDEAdding an optional SGATE,WIDE on
> your
> > path allows your
> >
> >
> > I have tried to digi via ARISS using several paths, some of which are:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > So, 2 questions, using UI-View32:
> >
> > 1.  What's the most common Is there something that could cause it *not*
> to
> > gateway to the page ?
> > 2.  What is the Digi Path to end up on ?
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> > W4UOO
> > (37.9167N  81.1244W is the Summit)
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