
Seeing that I did not send a message out with that
subject line (without the "Re:", of course), I was
amused to see that it was pretty much another report
of your ISS contact on Saturday, and didn't really
match up with the subject line.  :-)  But since you
put it there, I'll elaborate on it...

I suppose there are many of us who could have made
the ISS QSO with two watts (or possibly less), if we
had the same combination of that ISS pass and your
location relative to that pass.  You know this already.
Here in Arizona, I figured I would have had a chance
if I was able to get in early, before the footprint
covered much of North America. When I ran SatPC32
yesterday to wind the clock back to Saturday morning,
I was shocked to see that the ISS footprint was all
the way out to the Mississippi River around the time
of my brief QSO. The elevation was up to 48 degrees
toward the northwest, around the time the ISS was
approaching northwestern Arizona, when I got through -
probably the best chance for me to make the QSO. I put
a screenshot from SatPC32 in my slideshow video from
the first ISS pass showing this, about midway through
the video. Location, location, location...

I had a couple of radios I could have used for more
than 5 watts transmit power on 2m (the IC-2820H will go
up to 50W, and I could have transmitted at up to 20W on
the internal batteries of my FT-897D), if I wanted to
do that.  I stick with QRP power when I do my own Field
Day efforts - something I have done in most years since
I bought my first FT-817 in 2001 - for the challenge,
even when trying to crack the pileup for NA1SS.  I have
made 3 of my previous 6 ISS QSOs with only 5 watts, and
one of those using a long telescoping whip on an HT
instead of a directional antenna, so I know anything is

I e-mailed Christy KB6LTY, who lives near Victorville,
to see if she was part of that group that you said may
have made the QSO before you.  She's involved with Scouts
there, and is occasionally on the satellites, so it would
have been a real treat if that was the case.  I heard
something around 1814-1815 UTC, but the audio was not
readable at my station.

Congratulations to ALL who were successful in making a QSO
with the ISS during Field Day.  73!


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Clint Bradford <>

> WD9EWK>> ... used my IC-2820H, Elk log periodic, with the
> power cranked down to 5W ...
> What? FIVE WATTS?!?! You power hog ... (grin)
> <snip>
> I believe a Boy Scout from Victorville got in there at the beginning,
> too ... THEN the pile-up began! What a marvelous achievement -
> courtesy of ARISS and NASA.
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