
This is pretty much the same discussion we use to have at the AMSAT meetings at Godard in the 1980s.

The problem is and always will be resources (man power and money)

More technology vs the average user. And now who is the average user - the low cost FMers or the Linear Transponder guys?

Is awful we do not have more useable pass time. Most of the time for our K4AMG mentoring and demos at schools and special events passes are not there. This is the nature of the technology we possess.

Is there a strategic plan of how to get from where we are to where we want to go to best satisfy what we all want?

Until then we have what we have. It seems like everyone needs to chip in and a more.

Operating the birds as W1AW/4 VA there were several passes that gave great returns but no one was there on the linear transponders, but all but one FM pass yielded no contacts.

Turn this discussion into a plan is the answer, not talk but action!

Rich W4BUE
Pres K4AMG

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Schuessler" <tjschuess...@verizon.net>
To: "'AmsatBB'" <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] ANS-199 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin -AMSAT Fox-1C Launch Opportunity Announced

I personally am going to ask my local Amateur Radio Club to throw a donation on the Fox 1C project. I challenge you to present the same request along to
your own local clubs.

I do numerous Radio Merit Badge presentations for the Boy Scouts and one of the things I love to do is to throw in a satellite contact opportunity. Yes linear passes are fun and very capable, but the concept of showing them that this kind of technology is available and doable with just a simple hand held
radio and an antenna that you can hold in your hand is much more in the
realm of "I could do this too if I had an Amateur Radio license" feeling.

Right now, we only one FM bird up there that can be counted on, SO-50, Fox
1A and 1B are still a year off.  (Lituanicasat-1 will be decaying within
days, and maybe two if the French FM satellite opens up soon).  Thus the
opportunities for these basic but, Oh for the Scouts, downright exciting
communication events is quite limited.  The AO-27 contact we did in one of
those Radio Merit Badge workshops (Before it died), sealed the deal for a
Scout and his dad who were attending and they both ended up getting their
tickets.  You can wow them with big ticket equipment and complexity (Smoke
and mirrors), but fun and excitement will get them hooked.  Often times,
simple is better.

An additional challenge for the HEO, MEO and Linear or nothing folks out
there is, instead of buying the next accessory for your already ample
station, give a donation to the FOX project (Or other national AMSAT-esque
project, FM, Linear or Digital), and let's get the ball rolling on many new
opportunities out there just waiting.  You donation may help get another
Scout/young person hooked on our aspect of the hobby.

Tom Schuessler, N5HYP

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