
You may be wish to watch the presentation to given by Peter Guelzow DB2OS at 
11:20 BST (1020 GMT) on Sunday, July 27. 

Peter will be talking about the equipment required to work the new amateur 
radio Geostationary 2.4 to 10 GHz payload which may be launched in 2016.  
Es’HailSat-2 will provide a 250 kHz linear transponder intended for 
conventional analogue operations in addition to another transponder 
which will have an 8 MHz bandwidth. The latter transponder is intended 
for experimental digital modulation schemes and DVB amateur television.

Watch the Colloquium live at

The AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium is being held on the weekend of 
July 26-27, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Guildford, GU2 7XZ, UK. The event is open 
to all, admittance £10 a day.  

Further details

Trevor M5AKA

On Thursday, 24 July 2014, 10:09, Ross Whenmouth <> wrote:


For a digital bird with a 10 GHz downlink, would it make sense to use 
DVB-S for the downlink?

If you did, I think that most specialised part of a ground station would 
be an appropriate LNB that will mix 10.0 to 10.5 GHz down to IF. 
Demodulation could then be performed with ordinary consumer grade DVB-S 
set top boxes and PC based DVB-S interfaces.

Out of the box, a consumer DVB-S STB (Set Top Box) can handle both audio 
channels and video channels. The DVB-S protocol can also multiplex data 
(PBBS message forwarding? APRS?) along with multiple audio and video 
channels on the one carrier.

The satellite could have multiple uplinks on multiple bands, eg FM voice 
uplink(s) on 2m, 9k6 data uplink on 70cm, and video/high speed data on 
shorter wavelengths. So, with say a 2m mobile
 rig, and a consumer DVB-S 
setup (with a 10 GHz LNB) you could QSO via the bird. If you want to get 
into data, video or digital voice, the bird would do that do.

73, ZL2WRW Ross Whenmouth
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