Ham Radio Now Announces Kickstarter Campaign to Attend & Record Videos 
of 2014 ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference) in Austin, TX. 

Gary, KN4AQ of ARVN & Ham Radio Now produced high quality video of the 
ARRL/TAPR DCCs (Digital Communications Conference)
in 2008 and 2009 (released on DVD), and 2011, 2012 and 2013 (released on 
high-definition streaming video). 

The videos covered every talk, including the Saturday banquet "keynote" and 
the Sunday Seminar, usually a four-hour "deep dive" into a single subject. 

The videos have been an invaluable resource for hams who weren't able to attend 
the sessions, 
and even for hams who were there in person and wanted a review. 

Gary, KN4AQ is based in North Carolina. Last year, he conducted a successful 
Kickstarter campaign 
to raise funds to cover both his expenses to travel to the 2013 ARRL/TAPR DCC 
(Digital Communications Conference) in Seattle and 
produce & make available on-line video of the entire DCC including all sessions.

The year Gary is conducting another Kickstarter campaign this year to cover his 
expenses to attend the 2014 DCC in Austin, TX and record & produce the entire 
DCC again. 

Please help TAPR & Ham Radio Now by contributing to Gary's Kickstarter campaign 
at the link below: 


More information about the DCC is at: www.tapr.org/dcc

Thanks for contribution to the Ham Radio Now DCC Kickstarter campaign and look 
forward to seeing many of you at the DCC.
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