On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 21:26, Wesley S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I wanted to discuss some ideas I had about user interface theming and 
> plug-ins.

1st, Welcome!

> 1) user interface theming. This is my idea:
> * If the user wants system/desktop integration he'll use either the Qt
> 4, Cocoa or
>  Gtk+ style (or EFL if the user runs E17).
> * If the user wants to use a theme/skin, he'll have to use the EFL
> interface, because
>  I believe that one is 100% themable in an easy way. (KaKaRoTo, can
> you confirm this?)
It's one of the main ideas behind efl!
(@Kkrt, i'm wonder if it'll be easy to change etk themes for just one

> * Alternatively, I would also like to create my own small skinning
> engine for the Qt 4
>  interface, based on Qt StyleSheets and the QUiLoader. I will talk
> more about this in a minute.
>  But are there any complaints for the fact that there will be 2
> completely different theming engines?
>  Who thinks that I should just drop my theming idea and leave it all to EFL?
> Now, about my Qt 4 theming system. I would like to use custom Qt StyleSheets 
> to
> provide the general style of the application (it's a lot like CSS, but
> for widgets!) and supplement that
> with user-created forms in Designer. The reason for this is simple:
> Designer is a very easy tool
> in which you can design forms, and it has a very good integrated Qt
> StyleSheet system.
> Normally, you would compile the user interface to .py files, but I
> want to take a different route.
> Partially because of security concerns, and also because of
> implementation defails.
> Using QUiLoader I want to load in the .ui interface on the fly and do
> sanity checks for the widgets
> etc. (I will also provide a test_theme.py script for theming
> development purposes). When the
> .ui file passes the sanity check, my theming system will make the
> needed connections between
> the widgets and the code and that's all there will be to it.
> Theme designers for the Qt 4 interface will only have to do a few things:
> * Design a theme (the layouts, buttons, etc) using the very good Qt
> Designer tool
> * Optionally use Qt StyleSheets in the theme to make it actually look themed
> * Make sure that all the needed controls are on the form and have the right 
> name
> (otherwise the sanity check will fail and the system will fall back to
> the default theme)
> I don't know if all this is the best way to do it (and I don't know
> for sure if it's technically possible,
> because I haven't tested it yet, but it should work...) but from my
> perspective it's the best way
> to create custom themes for the Qt 4 interface. What do you guys think?
> Here are two examples of what could be done with QSS theming (these
> two examples have
> the exact same layout and widget placement, but using the
> aforementioned technique I want to make that
> configurable as well)
> Example 1: Something with round corners and stuff..
> Example 2: Windows Live Messenger look-a-like..
> I'm very interested in your thoughts about this.
> Please tell me whether you think 2 theming engines would be a waste of
> time or not,
> and if you think they can both (EFL themes + Qt 4 themes) live happily 
> together,
> please tell me what you think about my theming engine idea for the Qt
> 4 interface.

With a theming engine for QT4, it'll look less desktop-integrated imo.
I think the desktop integration thing is more about having the same
buttons everywhere, having the same dialog boxes, the same filechooser
everywhere... If you have a dark theme, you'll have the same dark
buttons/grey background.
You might loose the "perfect integration" if for example, the user
have a dark theme, the login window is bright due to the theming.

> 2) plug-ins. This is a challenging concept. Why? Because we have
> multiple GUI's now.
> One thing is certain: all plug-ins have to work on all user interfaces.
> I think the best way to implement a plug-in system is to actually
> "force" the plug-in developers
> to create their plug-ins in pure python without using any GUI toolkit.
> For the configuration of the plug-in, the plug-in developers should
> make an XML file that
> describes which options to configure and how they have to be
> configured. This XML file
> can then be read in and processed by the aMSN core. The aMSN core will then 
> tell
> the GUI interface which plug-ins there are available and what the
> options of each plug-in
> are. This is just an example of how it could go:
> <plugin>
>  <name>Some example plug-in</name>
>  <description>This is an example plug-in</description>
>  <config>
>    <bool default=True>Something that can be on or off</bool>
>    <string default="">A line of text that the plug-in needs</string>
>  </config>
> </plugin>
> This XML file is read in by the core and the core sends something like:
> addPlugin(PluginData) to the GUI.
> The GUI will then for example add the plug-in information to some tab
> in it's configuration window
> and create a checkbox for the bool value and an editable line of text
> for the string value.
> Upon changing these values (and clicking apply or ok) the new
> PluginData will be sent back
> to the core.

We already have that in amsn :
Having something like that will be good. It should also be XML-based
like your example.
Also add a combobox to the widget items.
I think it's a bit too early to think about the plugin system but i've
got a lot of ideas for it.

> Of course this is very conceptual and doesn't take everything into
> account yet.. For example,
> what to do if the plug-in wants to provide an extra button or
> something in the actual GUI?
> This can probably be done as well, by extending the XML so plug-in
> developers can add things
> like "<gui><chatwindow><addbutton location="topright" value="Send
> buzzer!">buzzer</addbutton></chatwindow></gui>"
> but this would be a bit messy, I believe. Anyway, the core will
> retrieve that name "buzzer" and send the needed stuff
> to the GUI and set up a signal so that when the GUI informs the core
> that the button is clicked, the needed action
> is performed.

This very tricky. We'll need a very good design for that.

> Well... I hope you can share some of your ideas about all this with me.
> I believe that my idea for the plug-in system could be a lot better than this.
> So please, if you know something better.. share it with us!
> PS: I think I rivalled KaKaRoTo's mail length!
His answer will be longer :)

Boris FAURE (aka billiob)

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