On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 8:18 PM Michel Alexandre Salim
<mic...@michel-slm.name> wrote:
> Dear Anaconda developers,
> There's this 7 year old bug about Anaconda not being able to resize
> Btrfs filesystems, despite Btrfs itself supporting resizing.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=962143
> Now that Fedora defaults to Btrfs on desktop variants, since Facebook
> uses Fedora as its preferred desktop Linux distribution we might be
> able to dedicate some manpower to working on this, but need help to
> scope out this work.
> Would any change needed be limited to python-blivet, or would other
> components need to be touched?

I just created this to track the various issues around Btrfs shrink
and utilities that maybe/probably should support it.


I think the main thing that Anaconda needs is already in libblockdev.
But it's missing a minimum size check. That issue is referenced in the
fedora-btrfs#35 issue. I'm not sure where it belongs, but there
probably needs to be a check for number of devices and only support
shrink on single device Btrfs.

Chris Murphy

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