On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 01:58:21 PM EDT, Neal Gompa 
<ngomp...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 > On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 1:47 PM Brian C. Lane <b...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >> > On Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 04:08:30PM +0200, Dan Horák wrote:> > > my idea 
> >> > would be adding a "--hybrid" option to "reqpart" that would> > > create 
> >> > both "BIOS" + "EFI" partitions on x86 systems. For remaining> > > 
> >> > systems I believe they use only a single boot partition kind, so> > > 
> >> > nothing will change there. This way you could create a "works> > > 
> >> > everywhere" image the easiest way.> >> > I'd like to see adding flags an 
> >> > option of last resort :) If it's> > possible for anaconda to figure out 
> >> > what's needed automatically that's> > would be best.> >> > How would 
> >> > Anaconda be able to figure it out? The idea is that this> works 
> >> > *regardless* of what the host says it does. Unless you're just> going to 
> >> > make Anaconda always do hybrid for x86, there's no reasonable> way for 
> >> > that to be "auto-detected".> 
When I kickstart, I check "/sys/firmware" for 'efi' which exists, which I later 
use to influence which command to use to rebuild grub.My point is that anaconda 
should be able to check for /sys/firmware/efi, for forcing hybrid usage, or it 
is only a BIOS host.

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