For Aengus, or anyone else who has the CGI Perl script running on NT:

Can you try removing these lines (93-94)? I don't think they are necessary and
Stephen asked to get that verified. (My guess is that it's not even running this
'cause $^O won't match /^win/i on ActivePerl on NT).
    require Win32::Console;

If you can put Analog into a directory with spaces in the name. The try some
quoting of the pipe by changing line 92 to
    if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
and adding this in the if-block
    $analog = "\"$analog\"";

If that doesn't work giving "Program Incorrectly Configured" and "Can't run
analog because \"$analog\" not found or not executable", then try moving the
while if win-32 block back to about line 70 (before the "# 2) OPEN THE ANALOG
PROCESS" comment)


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Publishing

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