Aengus wrote:

Duke Hillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Page requests and referrers are different. A page request is
exactly that: a request for a page. A referrer is is the place
from which the user (or the user's computer) heard about
your page. If the user followed a link to reach a page, the
referrer is the previous page. If a page contains a graphic,
the referrer is the graphic. If a page contains 9 images,
your reports should show 9 referrers, 1 page request, and
10 total requests.

You reports wouldn't show 9 referrers. The referrer for all 9 image requests would be the same - the URL of the page itself.

You're right. I had a picture in my mind but I did a poor job of explaining it.
A better explanation on my part might be, "in the Referrer Report, on a single
line, there would one referrer with 9 requests.

-- Duke

Not all requests have referrers - if the page itself was requested from a bookmark, or a link in an e-mail, then there won't be any referrer, and the only entry in the referrer report would be the URL of page itself (because it is the referrer for the images). If you got to the page by following a link from another page, then there would be 2 entries in the referrer report - one for the referrer that lead you to the page, and 1 for the URL of page itself (because it is the referrer for the 9 images).


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