Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Wallace Nicoll wrote:
> > Dear All:
> >
> > Has anyone found a way to eliminate duplicate entries in the File Type
> > report. While it's not a major problem, it might be nice to have an
> > ALIAS to allow the combining of .gif and .GIF, .jpg, .JPG, .jpeg and
> > .JPEG, etc.
> >
> If .GIF is the same as .gif on your system, shouldn't you be using
> ? Or have you got a case sensitive file system but still some files called
> file.GIF?

It's a UNIX system. I must admit I'd been thinking that the default setting
should have had that covered, as I hadn't noticed any CAPS in the other
reports. It worked fine, thanks. Must put brain in gear first!

While that one's solved it  doesn't resolve the the possibility of combining
the likes of  .jpg and .jpeg. Again, these issues are probably specific to
those of us analysing proxy logs.

FYI I've been trying to look at trends in static html pages which can be
cached, against non-cacheable ASPs and CGI output. As part of this, I've also
been trying to find out ratios of graphics to other stuff as well. It's nice
being able to use the PAGES parameter. Howabout one for GRAPHICS? I'm finding
they account for about 70% of web requests. ASPs seem to have settled down at
about 15-20% of all PAGES  requested. There was a significant increase about a
year ago from 2-3%.

 Wallace Nicoll                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 City of Edinburgh Council IT Services,
 Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road,                Phone : 0131 469 5343
 Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ, Scotland                    Fax : 0131 469 5335

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