On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Paul Baughman wrote:
> 1.  Is there an archive of list messages?

Yes, www.mail-archive.com

> 2.  How do I analyze Real Server G2 logs?
> I get every line in the log file as being corrupt.  I've tried several
> different logformats but to no avail.  Has anyone done this yet and can
> show me the proper LOGFORMAT, or show me where I'm going wrong?  I'm
> including a few lines of the log and the LOGFORMATs I've tried using. 
> Ooops.  Three questions.

Amongst our questions are such diverse elements as...

> 3.  Can I use a "%j" field specifier to ignore multiple,
> white-space-delimited fields?  If I use a "%j" field specifier, does
> that suck in everything up to the next match?  For example, with a line
> like this ...
>     field1  [field2  field3] field4
> can I use a format of:  %S [%j] %c   to ignore field2 and field3?  Or
> alternatively:  %S [%j  to ignore everything to the end of the line?  It
> seems so, from the examples in the docs, but I would like confirmation.

Yes, you can.

The other problem seems to be that you have a double space before GET
(why?). So
  LOGFORMAT (%S - - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j]  "%j %r %j" %c %b %j\n)
should work.

Stephen Turner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
  Statistical Laboratory, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England
  "Ad infinitum, if not ad nauseam." (Interviewee, BBC Radio 4)

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