On 5/3/99 6:30 AM Jim Moline ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>I am using Analog 3.11 on Windows NT 4.0 sp4.  I use Website Pro 2.0 from 
>O'Reilly as my web server.
>The log format is combined.  I am trying to get virtual domains to work 
>and no matter what combination I
>seem to try, my virtual domain always seem to get the information from 
>every log entry attached to that 
>ip address (multiple virtual domains).  I know it's a configuration 
>problem on my part and I have RTFM,
>but I cannot seem to include only a particular virtual domain's 
>information.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

When using NCSA Combined format there is nothing to indicate which log 
entry goes with which virtual domain unless each virtual domain logs into 
its own log file. You will either need to split the log into one file for 
each virtual domain or add the virtual server name to each log entry.


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  -- Peter van der Linden, Expert C Programming, Deep C Secrets

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