I'm using Analog 3.11 under Windows NT.

I have everything configured the way I like it, except for one thing.

Under the "Host Report" section, I'd like to somehow combine all the
variations of a base hostname.  For example, in a 1-month period, I had
requests from at least 22 variations on "aol.com"

To combine these into 1 entry, I set up the following: 
HOSTALIAS *.aol.com aol.com

This worked exactly the way I want, but here's my problem.

There's many more hosts that have variations on their name, and I don't
know what they are from month to month to set up HOSTALIAS for each of them.

Is there any way to set Analog up to consider a hostname "resulution"?  For
example, a "resulution" of 2 would match aol.com - anything that had
aol.com in the last two address spaces would be considered 1 host.  Then I
wouldn't have to specifically enter each host as I encounter it.

Thanks for your help,

- - - - - - - - - - 
Robert Fries
Operating Systems Analyst  FTD, Inc.

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