From: Barbara Kantzos@EDF on 05/07/99 11:35 AM

Subject:  Re: [analog-help] Querystring on Request Report

Hi Andy,  How are you?  I am not sure if I have the correct answer to your
question.  I sent out an email about this yesterday and haven't gotten any

But here is my understanding of the query string -- it is probably being
stored in a seperate field in your log file format.  This is true on my web
server on Windows NT running MS IIS 4, in which the query string is stored
in the last field.  You should look at your log file to be certain.  Then
when you define your log file format you use
%q (query string -- part of filename after ?, if recorded in a separate
field) for the query string field.

You might want to get verification from someone else since I was trying
this to do a similar analysis to breakdown search term queries on my site
and was not getting the number of expected terms.

But maybe this will help you out a little.
Barbara Kantzos
Environmental Defense Fund NYC

Here is some other info about it that I found in the documentation at
...there are commands called ARGSINCLUDE and ARGSEXCLUDE, and
Sometimes a URL contains arguments after a question mark. For example, the


runs the /cgi-bin/ program with arguments x=1 and y=2. (Sometimes
the server records the arguments in a
separate field in the logfile, but if so you can use the %q field in the
LOGFORMAT command, and analog will translate the filename
to the above format).

Analog can either read or ignore the arguments. If the command ARGSEXCLUDE
/cgi-bin/ were given, analog
would ignore the arguments to that file, and so treat the above URL as
being the same as /cgi-bin/ On the other
hand, if ARGSINCLUDE /cgi-bin/ were specified, analog would read
the arguments, and treat the above URL as
a different file from /cgi-bin/ (or from
/cgi-bin/, although a grand total for
/cgi-bin/ would still be listed in the Request Report.

REFARGSINCLUDE and REFARGSEXCLUDE are the same for referrers. By default,
all arguments are included. The check for
whether the arguments should be included happens before the filename is
aliased: this means that you can't use pages in this
command, because we don't know whether a file is a page until after it's
been aliased.

If you want to see the arguments in a report you may also have to set the
appropriate ARGSFLOOR command.

From: Andi Twine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/07/99 03:19 PM GMT

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Analog-Help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Barbara Kantzos)
Subject:  [analog-help] Querystring on Request Report

Dear Group,
Does anyone know how to get a querystring on a request report ? We have a
.asp page in our site which works from the querystring that it given to it
by the link clicked. We are getting the hits for our .asp file shown in the
log file but the querystring is not being shown. We're getting
fine on the referrer report.
Andi Twine.
Andi Twine,
Web Project Manager,
The Pool.Net Agency.
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