Stephen Turner wrote:

> > Also, on that page, it might be useful to list, with each report type, the
> > LOGFORMAT commands/data that Analog needs to generate that report.
> >
> I don't really understand what you mean here. The LOGFORMAT isn't an issue,
> as long as it contains the relevant type of item (%B for Browser Report etc.)

On the reports page, it says, under "Other Reports", "Whether you can get all of
these reports depends on what information is recorded in your logfile." My thought
was to include a cross reference with the LOGFORMAT commands for each report listed
so you could understand what data was needed by Analog before it would produce that
report. For example:

     The Host Report lists all computers which downloaded files from you. (%S)
     The Domain Report lists which countries those computers came from. (If you only
get ("unresolved numerical addresses", see the FAQ.) (%S)
     The Request Report (the example above) lists which files were downloaded. (%r)
     The Directory Report lists which directories those files came from. (%r)

However, as there are other dependecies (e.g. %b gives byte counts for these) maybe
that's not feasable. Also, it might clutter up the reference too much.

Jeremy Wadsack
OutQuest Magazine
a Wadsack-Allen publication

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