> Perhaps the most direct way (although improper HTML) is to use the HEADER
> in you Analog config to include a style sheet that sets the font of BODY and P
> the font of your choice. Alternately, you could include in the header a <FONT>
> command and in a corresponding FOOTER file a </FONT> command.

Ah, very good.  How do I go about setting that up?  I can generate the HTML,
which would be minimal, however it's the analog.cfg part I'm not too sure

> Of course Analog is supposed to produce HTML 2 compliant output and this will
> that untrue (so you shouldn't have that HTML 2 image if you're running an old
> version). Finally, on the helpers applications page is a link for our Report
> tool to create HTML 4.0 Transtional output from your Analog reports which lets
> configure fonts, colors, etc.

The <FONT> command would be basic anyway, so I'm not worried.  I'll go have a
look at the helpers page.


###   Rich Fortnum / Viaduct Productions / Toronto
###   http://www.viaduct-productions.com

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