hello all-
i'm new to the log analysis process, but in need of pulling together a nifty automated procedure. i've downloaded analog 4.0 running on NT 4.0 processing IIS 4.0. my goal is to automate the log retrieval process, log analysis process, and log archiving process. i was wondering if anyone could offer some advice on how they have automated their analog/NT system. some questions i have include: what NT program are you using to automate daily routines? how to automate analog if the log file & output file is specified in the .cfg file? are you zipping or gzipping the log files? before or after analog analyzes them? are you placing the log files on some external storage system?
for sites that run cummulative reports such as the analog site (which i'm sure are automated in some way), are the log files being dumped into one directory, and analog runs reports on the group as a whole each day?
let me know if there's any other pointers you can offer to an analog NT newby!!
thanks in advance!!

Ari Barkan
Director of Information Technology

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