At 15.34 01/02/2000 +0000, Stephen Turner wrote:

>It should be converted in the Search Word Report and Search Query Report,
>but not in other reports, such as the Referrer Report.
>This is an intentional compromise, as there are too many problems with the
>accuracy of making the conversions. (In fact, I first wrote it converting in
>all reports, and then scrapped it and rewrote it this way.) I'm not sure
>it's the right compromise, but it is intentional. I would welcome other
>views on this.

Hmmm... having only 4 requests for special chars I can't tell more, but
Word and Query reports don't match.
I generate just a Word/Query report, it's at

The words biodiversita' and comunita' contained in the word list appear
into the query list without the last a'.

>This shouldn't be the case, as the character set is declared at the
>beginning of the page. Any browser which respects the character set will
>have the same glyphs (shapes) for the same character positions.

Sorry for forget this :-)
Working on a multi-platform site I use always composite special characters
because I don't know on which machine I need to edit pages, so I remove
from my mind the declaration.

Thanks for your help!

Marco Bernardini

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