Nandakumar Mounasamy wrote:

> I need to determine how many pages have been requested from different
> web browsers with their versions. I am wondering how this could be
> calculated from the FULLBROWSER Report numbers.

Add a P to your BROWCOLS command.

> i have given a portion of the FULLBROWSER report output below.
> B R 100  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
> B R 200  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 5.0; Windows 98;
> DigExt)
> B R 300  Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I)
> B R 400  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; MSN 2.5; AOL 5.0; Windows
> 98; DigExt)
> 1) What word in the Browser say the request has been made from
> an IE browser?


> 2) If Mozilla is Netscape, why MSIE 5.0 appears in the Netscape's
> browser string?

Because Microsoft considers MSIE to be compatible (and probably features + )
the "Mozilla" standard. That is, MS doesn't want sites saying "We won't show
advanced content because you can't support it".

> 3) What is 'compatibe'?

'Compatible'. See above. "Works the same as or better than."

> 4) Howcome MSIE 5.0 and AOL 5.0 appear together on the same request?

Because AOL uses MSIE as it's browser. The AOL 5.0 is the Vendor string that
says who distributed the browser software.

BTW, for a more readable report (if the above is cofusing) look at Analog
4.0's Browser Summary. It will list out Netscape, Microsoft, AOL, WebTV and
other clients.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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