Charlotte Latimer wrote:

> Each page on my site consists of a menu bar, header and body page held
> together by an index. There are some 34 graphic files per page. So I would
> expect about 34 requests for each 4 PIs. But the actual figure I am getting
> is;
> file requests:    47,963,811
> page impressions:    13,763,283
> roughly 1/3....

Browser cache images. So many of the requests are probably just for
Last-Modified-Date instead of the image (check the status report for "Not
Modified Since Last Request).

> Also, if I exlude all gif
> files (my graphics are all gifs) then the number of requests hardly changes
> which doesn't make sense either.

There are also other files which may not be pages or gifs: scripts, documents
(.doc, .pdf, etc.) and other such files.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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