Kjell Siimon wrote:

> It seems though that anlgform.pl generates a fresh statistics-report
> based on my current access_log. The server I use analog on rotates
> all logs every week. This means that once in a week "access_log" will
> become "access_log.1", and a new empty "access_log" is created.

You can change the LOGFILE command in you analog.cfg to point to either one or
both of these files.

> Since anlgform.pl/analog uses the current access_log, I'll loose
> statistics for the previous week, and all weeks before that too.

You could schedule analog to run on the server once a week and store the reports
in an OUTFILE stats%y%m%d.html file.

> I thought that by running anlgform.pl you'd executed
> /usr/sbin/analog, which then updated the OUTFILE, and finally gave me
> the statistics-page in my browser.

Analog only produces one report per run. In this case the report it sends to your
browser is the one it produces. If you were able to tell Analog to write files to
the system from a webpage, that would be a security risk (someone could write a
robot in 3 seconds that would fill up your hardrive with useless reports and crash
your server).


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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