Stephen, Jeremy, and Aengus:

Thank you for your replies.  I think I was unclear what I was after,

1) The log files would not be in a web based directory, the log files would
be unique for each domain.  I agree I would need to keep that info secure.
2) I would also direct the output report to the user's domain.  I believe I
could password protect the output report.

3) The real issue to me is the configuration files.  If I read the
information correct, I need to put the configuration file in the same
directory as the analog.exe application.  When analog runs it will run all
the configuration and there by updating the reports for all the domains.  I
was wondering if I could set it up with the form interface to run a single
configuration file.  For example, if Domain A wanted the stats for their
site they would call DomainA.cfg and output to

4) The alternative is to setup a seperate executable for each domain.  Seems
inefficient but certainly can be done and is not a show stopper.  It seems
that I am missing something and wanted to see how others are doing it for
multiple domains on the same server.

Your insights are welcome
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Setting up the Form Interface on NT and IIS

> On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Chuck Schick wrote:
> > I want to set up the form interface on Windows NT 4.0 running IIS4.0.  I
> > think I understand a majority of it but I do have a few questions.
> >
> > 1) The server is hosting about 20 virtual domains and I want to have the
> > form interface available for each individual domain.  My question is can
> > user run the analog for just their domain without updating all of the
> > domains on the server and if so how is this best accomplished from the
> > configuration file standpoint - can each domain call a unique
> > file and not run the other config files.
> >
> Actually this is hard. The simple rule is that anything they can read,
> can also analyse. So without password controls, whatever is visible to one
> person is visible to everyone. Even with passwords, you would have to log
> each virtual domain to a different logfile, and then arrange for the
> only to be able to read their own logfile. But how to do this is outside
> competence.
> > 2) Presently, IIS is doing weekly logging - I would either like to stay
> > that or go to monthly logging.  How do I get IIS to just add the log
> > to a single file name without adding a date extension to the file name?
> > Presently IIS names the files ex000402.log for the second week in April,
> > 2000.  I believe I need to keep the log name static ( mydomain.log) for
> > purposes of identfying the log file in the configuration file.
> >
> It might be easier to write a BAT file to copy or move the most recent
> to the name you prefer after each log rotation.
> --
> Stephen Turner     
>   Statistical Laboratory, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England
> "8th March 2000. National No Smoking Day. Ash Wednesday." (On a calendar)
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