hello ...

if you're still running FreeBSD in the 2* series, then there is no more support
in the ports for this branch. You'll need to compile everything yourself, which
leads us to the very first point.

do a gcc -v ... it should be at least

2.2.5 is quite an old system, I think it dates back from at least 1997. My most
sincere recommendation would be to update your system to FreeBSD 4 (doing a fresh
install, thus, backing up your data/important stuff very well). 

If you do want to stick to a very old system, then you're on your own. Try
updating your compiler, and see if you can get to at least

If that's the case, then compile analog yourself (only two files need to be
edited, anlghead.h and anlghea2.h ... so I think, that's been my experience).

Well, in any event, it will be a bit of work to do.


On Tue, Apr 18, 2000 at 04:02:09PM +0100, Jill Huston wrote:
> Sorry,  my frustration is leading to simple confusion...
> you're right the first time, it's Sun workstation running FreeBSD 2.2.5.
> So, what ya reckon, any suggestions?
> cheers
> Jill
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