"Mag. Matthias Faffelberger" wrote:

> I'm using analog with report magic 1.3.

Report Magic 1.42 is now available. Also, future questions about Report Magic
can be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> i want to generate monthly reports (which works fine). but i did not find
> the right format for my output files.
> for example, if i generate a monthly report for april 2000 on the 1st of
> May, then i want the report be named eg. "report_04_2000.htm", but with the
> date formats of report magic i only get "report_mm_yyyy.htm", which
> generates "report_05_2000.htm".

Report Magic currently uses the date it was run on for date insertions. This
means if you run it on May 1st, as you discovered, you will get that date, even
if the report time frame ended in April. This will be changing in the next

In the meantime, you can use Analog's date insertion to create the 'dat' file
with the proper April date:

    OUTFILE report-%m-%Y.dat

Then use the key phrase 'infile' to name the Report Magic report like the input
file name:

    File_In = report-04-2000.dat

    File_Out = %infile%.htm


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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