Are you sure there's only a single space between time and host? Is 
there maybe a tab or several spaces?

You could try (%h:%n:%j%w%S %j %r %c).



+ Version of Analog: 4.11
+ Operating system: Windows 2000/NT
+ Analog won't recogize the the time variable in my log file.
+ Analog wouldn't recognize the log file format that we use, so I tried to
+ tell analog about our format using a log format string.
+ I broke down one of my log files into one line and wrote a string to
+ match the line.  It still wouldn't recognize the line (it gave me a
+ "corrupt logfile line" message).  
+ The logfile line that I used was as follows:
+ 12:15:45 GET /index.html 304
+ The string I used was as follows
+ LOGFORMAT (%h:%n:%j %S %j %r %c)
+ When I took the time variable out of the logfile and string and ran the
+ analog.exe, it worked.
+ logfile line used:
+ GET /index.html 304
+ LOGFORMAT (%S %j %r %c)
+ Do you have any suggestions?
+ I would really appreciate any help.
+ Thanks,
+ Julie Hinzman
+ TekEdge Software, LLC
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