Marc Delehanty wrote:

> I normally download my logfile from my (virtual) server
> and run analog locally (win98).
> However my logfile is rather large, is there anyway that I
> can run analog on the server?
> I put it (analog + files) in the folder with the access_log
> and try to run analog.exe using telnet (the server is linux).
> However it comes up with the following error message:
> [marc analog]$ run analog.exe
> run: "analog.exe" is not an object file: File format not recognized
> How do I run it properly?
> How do I specify the logfile?
> a) /home/sites/site33/logs/access
> or
> b) ../logs/access
> I don't have permission to put anything in the logs folder.
> Also, can I run a dns lookup without qdns?
> If, no could someone give me an example of a batch file and how to compile
> it.

Uh, Marc, your server is a cobalt linux system. Not a windows system. So you
can't run a windows version of Analog on it. You will need to download the
source and compile it on the linux box. It should be as easy as 'make' after
editing anlghead.h (all described in the docs).

qdns is also a windows program. Look to dnstran or other linux compiled
programs. Or just use DNS lookup built into Analog -- add DNS WRITE to your
config (see the docs for this too).


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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