Greg Gowins wrote:

> I'm brand spanking new to this product.  I've been demoing it for a
> couple of weeks, and have one big question.  Can you combine reports?
> Specifically I'm talking about the Browser Summary and Operating
> System report.  I've searched through the docs, and queried the past
> postings, but couldn't find reference to it.

Analog doesn't quite do what you're looking for. You can use the Browser
Report to get all the original User Agent strings. It's essentially the
same information that you're looking for, just not ordered
hierarchically. The problem I foresee in such a report is deciding which
information gets superiority -- does the operating system or the browser
come first.

>  What I'm looking for is a report like the following:
> no.: reqs: OS/Browser
> ---: ----: --
>   1: 9870: Windows/IE
>    : 5706:   Windows 98/IE
>    : 1957:   Windows 95/IE
>    : 1645:   Windows NT/IE
>    :  428:   Windows 2000/IE
>    :  127:   Windows Me/IE
>    :    4:   Windows 16-bit/IE
>    :    2:   Unknown Windows/IE
>    :    1:   Windows 32-bit/IE

BTW, not all Windows users use Internet Explorer. :)

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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