Thanks Jeremy. Still doesn't seem to work though.  I'm running Analog 4.13
on Solaris. Log file is about 35mb.  Analog is recognizing the format but
returns the following problem.

Warning L: Large number of corrupt lines in logfile
try different LOGFORMAT
  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
    Current logfile format:
      #Fields:<W3 extended format string>\n

I receive the logs in the following W3C Extended format:

# Fields: date time cs-method cs-uri x-protocol cs-ip x-distributor-id
x-ext-status bytes time-taken sc-status cs(User Agent) cs(Referer) cs(Cookie)
2001-01-07 08:19:57.665 GET /services/ HTTP/1.0 2000605
1000 14114 478 200 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Keynote-Perspective 4.0)" "-" "-"

I can run a script and transform these into apache logformat and things
work great. However, would like to keep my procedures as simple as possible.
So I think one of two things is happening:

1)The above log is not in correct W3C Extended format??
2)Analog is having problems recognizing W3C Extended

Any ideas?  Thanks again!!


At 08:31 AM 1/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Eric Fegraus wrote:
>> My logs say they are in W3C Extended Log Format.  I haven't been able to
>> get the right LOGFORMAT. Any help would be much appreciated.
>You don't need a LOGFORMAT for W3C Extended. Analog will automatically 
>determine the format, since it's self-describing. You just need to make 
>sure there is a Data AND Time on each line of the logfile.
>Jeremy Wadsack
>Wadsack-Allen Digital Group
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