From: "Stephen Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't think it should do it habitually, because there are other ways
> a URL like that can arise. (Not all HTTP URLs with a question mark come
> an HTML form!)

Maybe not system-wide, meaning for the non-search reports.  However when it
comes to the search reports, I can't see when one would NOT want to treat
?isindex=data and ?data the same.  A search report that is specifically
configured to extract "isindex" from a particular page is certainly going to
want to include any ?data entries on that same page.

> But you can do it yourself with FILEALIAS.

Excellent, that works perfectly for the specific application I'm currently
dealing with.  Thank you.

> Thanks, will fix. (But how did that 'a' manage to escape FOUR places to
> left?!)

Cosmic rays.  ;-)

How do you get any work done?  It seems that every half hour there's a new
message rolling in on this list, followed a few minutes later by an answer
from you rolling out.
| Neil D. Fraser, Programmer & Wizard, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Routes, Inverness, Scotland,

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