I'm having difficulty installing Report magic on my macosx / darwin 
box.  I've tried 3 different approaches:

The autoconf Install.PL fails.  I've tried installing the pre-requisites 
like this:

1) straight configure, make, make install ala most unix packages.  
dependencies fail (GD wont install) Install.PL fails.

2) fink based install.  thought i was going to succeed here.  installed 
all dependent libs except, again, GD barfs.

3) the apparently so-simple-i-can't-figure-it-out approach by Jim Powell 
from http://www.reportmagic.org/docs/inst_osx.html  here, i had trouble 
following his manual perl module installation. or either some details 
were left out.

So, has anyone successfully installed and used ReportMagic with analog 
on osx



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