(escuse, my English isn´t good)

Look :
For squid logs, If we are using logs files of the days 1 to 4 to make a
analog cache file, we got the warning message and, opening the cache file,
we see the two last lines like this:
     P               600000  473372  124746  16630592
            P               600001  695679   207650  16630592

If we are using another logs, like days 5 to 10, without input cache file,
then we got the same error.
And, if we are processing intranet logs files (IIS), we got the same
warning, but this two lines aren´t the last.
`P 600000/1` are constant, whatever the input logs are.

Dimas Toledo da Silva
Banco do Brasil S.A.
Analista de Informática
Portal Banco do Brasil

     Minhas opiniões e afirmativas não expressam necessariamente
     as da empresa a que estou vinculado

                    "Jeremy Wadsack"                                                   
                    <jwadsack@wadsack-allen        Para:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                    .com>                          cc:                                 
                    Enviado Por:                   Assunto:     Re: [analog-help] Run 
out of memory   
                    owner-analog-help@lists        with 800x6 MB of log file           
                    09/21/01 12:30 PM                                                  
                    Responder a analog-help                                            

Well, if it's intranet then the host count should be low, so that
wouldn't help as much.

The "P 600000" is an error in one of your cachefiles. You might need
to regenerate the files (or remove the line, but you'll still be
missing that data).


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group


> I can´t do this. We are using analog for two porposes:
>    to process squid log files. Then, the host is our user´s id.
>    to process intranet log files. Then, the administrator want to know
>    are viewing the intranet site.

> But the main question is why the warning message always shows me P 600000
> ... and P 600001... whatever the input logs are ?

> Dimas Toledo da Silva
> Banco do Brasil S.A.
> Analista de Informática
> Portal Banco do Brasil

> Nota:
>      Minhas opiniões e afirmativas não expressam necessariamente
>      as da empresa a que estou vinculado

>                     "Jeremy Wadsack"

>                     <jwadsack@wadsack-allen        Para:
>                     .com>                          cc:

>                     Enviado Por:                   Assunto:     Re:
[analog-help] Run out of memory
>                     owner-analog-help@lists        with 800x6 MB of log
>                     .isite.net

>                     09/20/01 06:59 PM

>                     Responder a analog-help


>> Hello!
>> We are using Analog with Report Magic to process logs files.
>> The server is a 2 Pentium II 350, with 1G of Memory.
>> The logs file are about 800Mb/day.
>> All day we create a new cache file and a new COMPUTER file (for RMagic).

>> After 4 days, we are receiving two warning messages like:
>> `F:Ignoring corrupt line in cachefile looking like P 600000 368716 78286
>> 16636364 1941360662`
>> The numbers 600000/600001 are the same with many input logs files.
>> After 6 days, we are receiving this warning and a program interrupt with
>> the message:
>> `Fatal error Run out of memory:cannot continue: exiting`.

>> We had read the docs and are using
>> File/Host/Brow/User/Vhost/Lowmen 2 and Reflowmen 3.

> Try HOSTLOWMEM 3. That's the most likely one to reduce your memory
> usage.

> --

> Jeremy Wadsack
> Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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