On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi!  Sorry for the previous message but it was full of wrong characters!! 
> I have some problem configurating the LOGFORMAT command to fit a
> non-standard logfile.  The logfile is the result of the activity of users
> on a Windows 2000 web server application and is written like this:
> ma-g6xev2rrwijf Autore [27/Feb/2002:16:38:24 ] "101 <Inserted
> Document |Intranet / Archivio Clienti / Cliente Test/Progetto Test/Test 2|
> >" 
> ma-g6xev2rrwijf administrator [27/Feb/2002:22:50:33 ] "202
> <Modified Folder |Intranet / News / Forum/Appunti di viaggio| >" 
> I think that the meaning of the lines is:  Client-IP virtual-domain
> username [date:time ] "internal-code <meaning-of-internal-code
> |file-requested| >"  The best configuration I tried is:  LOGFORMAT (%s %v
> %u [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%C <%j %r>"\n) 
> 1) I'm trying to have statistics using the codes created by the program
> but I don't know how to make Analog read them (%C didn't work!!)  Note
> that the internal-code are numbers between 101 and 999, and than I can't
> use %c. 
> 2) If is impossible to make Analog recognize the internal-codes as %C, can
> it use them as character strings and make statistics using that strings? 

%c is only used for HTTP status codes, and %C is only used for particular
web servers that analog already knows about.

What you can do is declare the numbers or the corresponding descriptions to
be some spare field (like browser or referrer maybe, if you're not using
those) and then look at them in that report.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
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