"Ana Paula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Im using Analog (5.22) and Report Magic (2.13), and in my  Organization
> Report the IP adresses they are being shown incomplete:
> Organization
> 200.123
> 200.109
> etc
> I already researched in Google, but I didn't find any solution.

That's the way the Organization report is supposed to look if you haven't
enabled DNS resolution. If you have DNS resolution enabled, then Analog
will convert the IP numbers in your log to hostnames, and then all the
connections from AOL.com will be counted together. But if an IP address
doesn't resolve, Analog considers connections from the same range of IP
addresses to be an Organization, and reports on the total connections from
a particular range.

If you don't have DNS enabled, follow the instructions at
www.analog.cx/docs/dns.html but be aware that, even with DNS lookups
enabled, you may still have significant numbers of unresolved addresses
showing up.


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