I had to break up the way analog processed my log files with the cache files because they're so big.
I also wanted to use rmagic...it has some cool looking charts. I know that Rmagic requires the input from analog to be in the .dat format. When you run analog with the CACHEOUTFILE command, what format is the resulting cache file in? Is there a way for you to use the output from the combination of all the cache files to create one .dat file for Rmagic? Andre +------------------------------------------------------------------------ | This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this | mailing list, go to | http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help/unsubscribe.html | | List archives are available at | http://www.mail-archive.com/analog-help@lists.isite.net/ | http://lists.isite.net/listgate/analog-help/archives/ | http://www.tallylist.com/archives/index.cfm/mlist.7 +------------------------------------------------------------------------